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State government

    Live Blog VQA: Election day 2024 recap
    Live Blog: VQA (Election day 2024 recap)
    Live Blog: Editorial Testing (Election day 2024 recap)
    Live Blog: Editorial Testing (Election day 2024 recap)
    Id faucibus nisl tincidunt. Ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed arcu non. Posuere sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci.
    Traffic and lines turned Howard County Asian food festival into a ‘disaster’
    Many who planned to go say the event was disorganized and vastly oversold. Traffic backed up for miles on Interstate 70 and other roads and caused some ticket holders to give up.
    Here’s where Maryland’s candidates for governor stand on abortion access
    The Baltimore Banner asked Maryland gubernatorial candidates about abortion access as part of our voter guide questionnaire.
    Maryland leaders react strongly to Supreme Court overturning Roe
    Friday's Supreme Court ruling striking down Roe v. Wade drew strong reactions from Maryland leaders.

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    Here’s the case Maryland Democrats are making to host an early presidential primary
    The Democratic Party is considering rearranging the lineup of primaries for 2024, potentially bumping Iowa and New Hampshire from their coveted spots early on in the process.
    Tom Perez helped national Democrats reclaim power. Can he do the same in Maryland?
    Perez has become the favorite of progressive Democrats in this campaign, sewing up endorsements from several large labor unions and the advocacy group Progressive Maryland.
    Maryland’s rules for concealed carry gun permits in jeopardy after Supreme Court ruling
    Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said his team is examining the high court’s ruling to see how it affects the issuance of permits in Maryland, known legally as “wear and carry” permits.
    Peter Franchot is an ‘outsider’ who spent his career in Maryland politics. Can he become a successful governor?
    Peter Franchot has led multiple political lives, from being a liberal lawmaker to a more politically moderate tax collector. Now he wants to be Maryland's governor.
    As gubernatorial candidates vie for votes in Baltimore, do their promises align with what residents really need?
    A new executive could matter more to Baltimore than any other Maryland jurisdiction.

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