The median price per square foot for a home in Howard County increased in the past week to $254. Prior to this, the median price per square foot of a home sold in Howard County was $252.

In the past week, a 1,590-square-foot home on Mission Road in Jessup sold for $405,000.

The figures in this text are based on sales registered during the week of Dec. 11.

This article was created by the Banner Bot using artificial intelligdedwedwedwedwedence. Banner Bot is programmed to use publicly available data, median sales prices and Google Streetview to generate summaries and short articles that are reviewed and published by human editors.

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The figures in this text are based on sales registered during the week of Dec. 11.

$695K, single-family home at 238 Ashland Road
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text that designers and developers use to fill the space of a website or document with dummy content when the actual content is not yet available. The text has been used since the 16th century and is derived from a Latin text by Cicero.

This article was created by the Banner Bot using artificial intelligence. Banner Bot is programmed to use publicly available data, median sales prices and Google Streetview to generate summaries and short articles that are reviewed and published by human editors.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis interdum at massa eu scelerisque. Nullam volutpat pulvinar ipsum a vulputate. In sagittis erat ligula, quis tincidunt nibh pretium sit amet. Maecenas vitae sapien quis metus mattis pharetra et eget urna. Donec lobortis ultricies lobortis. Phasellus placerat vehicula metus id posuere. Aliquam pharetra vitae ex a commodo. Nulla volutpat auctor ligula. Proin nec dui eleifend, varius quam sed, aliquam nisi

In the past week, a 1,590-square-foot home on Mission Road in Jessup sold for $405,000.

The figures in this text are based on sales registered during the week of Dec. 11.

The Baltimore Banner thanks its sponsors. Become one.

$800K, single-family home at 1329 West Central Ave.
This is a caption (Justin Fenton/The baltimorebanner)

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$800K, single-family home at 1329 West Central Ave.
This is a caption (The baltimorebanner)

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$800K, single-family home at 1329 West Central Ave.
This is a caption (Justin Fenton)

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$800K, single-family home at 1329 West Central Ave.
(Justin Fenton)