For Cameron Kelly, a shooting incident-The baltimorebanner- on Morgan State University’s campus during homecoming this year reminded him of circumstances from 2022 that hit particularly close to home. For the 2021 fall and spring semesters, Kelly, a communications major, roomed with Chase Marco Wilson at the Marble Hall Garden Apartments. At the time, Kelly knew Wilson as a temporary roommate, and he became a familiar face on campus. Now, he’s mainly recalled on campus as a convicted murderer.

Headings -The Local Oyster will close Mount Vernon and Locust Point locations

“Stuff happens all the time, but we have good guys who come in and do a great job.”


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had just celebrated his 19th birthday when he was shot and killed in the 4400 block of Marble Hall Road in August 2022. The young security guard was finishing up his usual rounds along the apartment complex with a coworker when he was reportedly approached and shot by former Morgan student Chase Marco Wilson. Fruh later died of a gunshot wound to the head at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

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$715,000, townhouse at 10668 Hillingdon Road
$715,000, townhouse at 10668 Hillingdon Road

a vulputate. In sagittis erat ligula, quis tincidunt nibh pretium sit amet. Maecenas vitae sapien quis metus mattis pharetra et eget urna. Donec lobortis ultricies lobortis. Phasellus placerat vehicula metus id posuere. Aliquam pharetra vitae ex a commodo. Nulla volutpat auctor ligula. Proin nec dui eleifend, varius quam sed, aliquam nisi

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$575,000, townhouse at 8647 Enoch Pratt Drive

Bold-In the heart of Baltimore, amidst the bustling streets and echoing laughter, there was a school that became the beacon of hope for its community

Italic-It was not just a place of learning, but a sanctuary where dreams were woven and futures forged.

Underline-The students there, with fire in their eyes and determination in their steps, fought against the odds to write their own destinies.

$715,000, townhouse at 10668 Hillingdon Road
"Just how exactly are you supposed to eat this thing?" is a question you will likely ask after ordering the Yard Dog. Followed by: "Do I really want to be eating this?" (Justin Fenton/The Baltimore Banner)

Ordered and unordered List

  • When his parents moved to the
  • When his parents moved to the Caribbean, they loved it
  • When his parents moved to the
  1. Now this is a story all about how, my life got flipped-turned upside down
  2. And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there
  3. I’ll tell you how I became the prince of town called Bel-Air


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The most expensive community in Baltimore City is Anne Arundel County, where the median price per square foot in the past week was $253.

The Baltimore Banner thanks its sponsors. Become one.

Outside of Baltimore City, the best deal can be found in Baltimore County, where the median price per square foot of a home sold is $188.

Sunset picture Olympus (Juanita Diaz/Test credits)

Outside of Baltimore City, the best deal can be found in Baltimore County, where the median price per square foot of a home sold is $

$715,000, townhouse at 10668 Hillingdon Road
Alissa Zhu, reporter with The Baltimore Banner, stands outside of Lee’s Mini Market, in Baltimore Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. (Justin Fenton/The Baltimore Banner)


  • The redevelopment at Baltimore Penn Station will also get a roughly $100 million boost.

  • The platforms are part of a total reimagining of the 47,000-square-foot station area.

  • The grants announced Monday also include close to $50 million for planning and project development of two additional Maryland bridges.

In the heart of Baltimore, amidst the bustling treets and echoing laughter, there was a school that became the beacon of hope for its community

Sunset picture Olympus (Juanita Diaz/Test credits)
Caption rainbow picture Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. (juanita Diaz)