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Liz Bowie


Liz Bowie is an education reporter for The Baltimore Banner. She spent more than two decades covering city, county and state education issues for The Baltimore Sun. Her favorite stories are those that focus on students. She was a Spencer Fellow in Education Reporting at Columbia University. She grew up in Baltimore.

Latest content by Liz Bowie

Veteran media executive Bob Cohn named CEO of The Baltimore Banner
Cohn, a journalist-turned-media executive who was president of The Atlantic and now leads The Economist, will head the local news organization.
The Orioles could be in the market for a left-handed starting pitcher via free agency.
testing voter guide resolver
This month, Paul Mancano will profile free agents who might be of interest to the Orioles at each position group.
The Orioles could be in the market for a left-handed starting pitcher via free agency.
Voter guide story 1
This month, Paul Mancano will profile free agents who might be of interest to the Orioles at each position group.
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Baltimore’s sheriff has been in office for 33 years. His opponent says it’s time for that to change.
In the office of Baltimore Sheriff John W. Anderson hangs an autographed photograph of former Gov. William Donald Schaefer, who first appointed Anderson to the role in 1989.
$1.1 million, single-family home at 2112 Bordly Drive
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$505,000, townhouse at 1729 Lancaster Street
Bug recreation test for RSS feed
Political prospects look good for the launch of a new transit line to connect the east and west sides of Baltimore City
Maryland again sets its sights on Baltimore east-west transit plan
Wes Moore
Wes Moore says his Baltimore education business was a success. The reality is much more complicated.
Maryland gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore sought to address the difficult challenge of helping young people transition to college when he founded BridgeEdU in 2014. But universities that hired the company say the programs were expensive and not as effective as they'd hoped. BridgeEdU was sold and its programs shuttered in 2019.

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