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Julie Scharper


Julie Scharper has spent her life exploring and telling the stories of her hometown of Baltimore. She grew up in Baltimore County and graduated from Johns Hopkins University, where she assisted research in brain structures, hunted for fossils in the Badlands of Wyoming and served as president of the campus LGBTQ organization. After spending two years teaching high school in Honduras, she embarked on a career in journalism at the Baltimore Sun, where she covered Baltimore City Hall and wrote features about culture and arts. Most recently, she worked as a freelance writer, pulling together magazine features about the natural sciences, health and history. She lives near Loch Raven with her husband and three young children. The great-granddaughter of a Lithuanian speakeasy owner, a German grocer, a French governess and a Swiss butler who settled in Baltimore, Julie is grateful to immerse herself in stories of those who call this great city — and the surrounding region — home.

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