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Brian Griffiths


Brian Griffiths writes opinion columns about Maryland state and local government and politics from a conservative perspective for The Baltimore Banner. He is a conservative activist and the publisher of, a media outlet for politics, ideas, entertainment, sports, culture and more. He was a Republican for almost 25 years before leaving the party due to its continued embrace of "populism" and election denial. Prior to leaving the GOP, Brian served as a member of the Maryland Republican Party Executive Board, a board member of the Young Republican National Federation, and as Chairman of the Maryland Young Republicans. Brian graduated from Western Maryland College with a degree in political science and from the Graduate School of Political Management at The George Washington University with a Masters in Political Management. He likes low taxes, small government, gun rights, and protecting the unborn and dislikes abortion, big government, high taxes, conspiracy theories and crooked politicians. Brian is a Catholic who lives in Pasadena, Md., with his wife and three children. In his spare time Brian is a member of the Board of Directors of the Maryland Student Legislature, Past Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus Council #10966, a youth softball coach, and a semi-pro fast pitch wiffle ball player for Old Line Wiffle Club. But all in all, he would rather be at the Orioles game.

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